Turning 45.

More wrinkles around the eyes,
but more knowledge about who I am.

More battle wounds,
but more awareness of the salves that heal.

More days spent doing “nothing,”
but more moments filled with everything that matters.

flowers in the hair just because,
reading in hammocks,
walks in the sun,
wearing what I wanna wear,
saying no to things that don’t bring life,
and yes to those that do.

I’m feeling healthy, strong, and grateful for another year of life. If you want to complain about getting older, I’m not your girl. 😅 The older I get, the more I see that growing older is an absolute privilege. I don’t take it lightly. The older I get, the more I realize that life cannot be wasted on drama and petty arguments. Staying rooted in my God and what matters most to me here on earth is what will carry me through the rest of my years.

I used to think 40s seemed so old. I remember when I was 11 or 12, and my mom was around the age I am now, and now I have a 12-year-old. I wonder if she felt back then how I feel now? I feel like I’m just getting started!

If I could talk to my younger self, even just my self 5 years ago, I’d tell her…

Don’t be afraid to use your voice even if it cracks and it’s scary.

Slow down as much as possible to savor the days.

God will not stop walking beside you every step.

99% of the things you worried about didn’t happen.

And you most definitely belong among the wildflowers.


The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 3: Taste and See


The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 2: Let's Be Mermaids