Keep Your Eyes Open In Winter
Tiny cat photo bomb - ha!
Winter is officially here! Oh, how I love this season. I look forward to it all summer while I’m farming in Tennessee humidity.
Sure, the landscape is stark and brown, but there are bursts of color and plenty of life on the surface and underneath. There's so much beauty to winter if you just have eyes to see.
Winter is one of the best times to get outside - no bugs! (Well, except for the barrage of ladybugs that seem to invade the inside of our home every single year at this time…) The woods are open and ready for exploring. So don’t give up on getting outside in winter - there are so many physical and emotional benefits for you.
In her new book, Until the Streetlights Come On, Ginny Yurich shares a quote by Michael Easter: “A 20-minute stroll can cause profound changes in the neurological structure of our brains.”
So get outside, and open your eyes!
Here are a few things I'm reveling in during my walks around the farm lately...
Bursts of pepperminty air in my lungs.
Being able to see into the forest and explore inside it (without ticks!).
Finding discoveries like frost flowers with fluted tips and cedar tree seed pods.
Gathering evergreen boughs.
Having cats as my companions as they follow me around our land.
Listening to encouraging audio devotionals from the One Minute Pause app as I go.
This is the most interesting frost flower I’ve ever seen…
Anything fun to share from your winter walks lately? Do tell!