The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 7: What I Learned in 2022

Living another year of life is no small thing - it’s a great privilege - so let’s not rush too quickly into the next year without first looking back to notice what we’ve learned and how we’ve grown. 

“I will not squander my freedom by living timidly.” This is a phrase that was at the forefront of my mind as I began 2022. How did it turn out? In this episode, I reflect back on a pivotal year and what I learned about living more boldly this year, albeit imperfectly. I also highlight 4 specific things (among many) that I learned this year. 

As usual, I share a gratefulness practice at the end and invite you to join me. LISTEN IN, and breathe in some fresh inspiration, right where you are!

Here are some photos & links of things I mention in Episode 7. Listen to the episode so you know what this is about!

Here is the blog post I wrote about some of the Italian women in my family I’m just learning about. Here’s a photo of me and my beloved cousin/twinsie, Paula.

Here’s the Netflix/YouTube Fireplace! I swear you can feel the warmth!

Here’s a photo from Christmas Day showing the perfect red nailpolish - this is the Sally Hansen Pure color Cherry Amore.

More links:

Links to Amazon Smile are affiliate links that benefit Peace Gospel International.

After you listen to episode 7, let me know what you think in the comments. I’d also love to know something you learned this past year!


A Long Line of Strong Women


Christmastime on the Farm