The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 6: Slow & Sacred Christmas

How do we carve out the kind of Christmas Day that is nourishing and life-giving, rather than harried and rushed? How do we create new traditions in our family that align with our purpose and values, or even reclaim a holiday season that has gotten out of control?

Join me in this episode as I share about our Slow + Sacred Christmas Day, breaking down the day into morning, afternoon, and evening and about how the day can be both a time of drawing inward and also outward as you welcome others in community. I’m giving you ideas for a rustic, delicious Christmas dinner menu, too! No matter how or where you’ll be spending the day, I think you’ll find something helpful and inspiring in this episode!

As usual, I also share a gratefulness practice at the end and invite you to join me. LISTEN IN, and breathe in some fresh inspiration for the rest of your week!

Here are some photos & links of things I mention in Episode 6. Listen to the episode so you know what this is about!

Here’s a typical Christmas dinner scene in our house, with the Chocolate Peppermint Layer Cake! The Easiest Bread Ever from The Kindred Life book is in the bread basket. :)

Here’s a Reel I did recently showing my farm table and advent candleholder:

Reading the last entry in Shadow & Light, one of my favorite advent resources, on Christmas Day…

Here’s a blog post I wrote about the October day I harvested the last of this year’s honey:

More links:

Links to Amazon Smile are affiliate links that benefit Peace Gospel International.

After you listen to episode 6, let me know what you think in the comments!


Christmastime on the Farm


The Kindred Life Podcast Ep. 5: "Help Me" & "Thank You"