A Letter To My 2010 Self


I wrote a letter to my 2010 self.

In the process of writing this, I realized how grateful I am that we don’t get the gift of foresight—we don’t know what’s going to happen over the next day, year, or decade. Because if we did, we’d probably do whatever we could to avoid pain, struggle, and discomfort and thereby miss the absolute most meaningful moments, the ones that truly shape us.

Here’s an excerpt…

“You’re about to gain some scars that won’t ever go away. There will be more stretch marks. There will be cellulite. But years from now, you’ll realize your size has zero to do with who you are, and you’ll make peace with your body the way it is. Your daughter will say, ‘Mama, I love your wrinkles. They feel good when I run my fingers over them,’ and ‘I love laying my head on your squishy tummy.’ And it won’t hurt. Instead, you’ll be proud of it. So proud.”

Have you ever written a letter to your past self? I highly recommend it! It was so therapeutic.

>> Read “A Letter To My 2010 Self” on Art of Simple

Sending love to you this Friday!


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