"Markers of Hope"

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Well, this is one of the best things I’ve heard in awhile - Fun Therapy with Mike Foster Ep. 54: Surviving COVID-19 and Building Markers of Hope.

I was simultaneously fired up and in a state of total relaxation while listening to this episode. Mike reminds us that it’s OK to be sad and disappointed with the current state of things. But “letting fear drive the story”? NOPE. We need what he calls “markers of hope” to keep us going - physical evidence that we’re holding on to hope.

These “markers of hope” are different from the ways we’re staying present and engaged now - these are ways to shine a light to the future and say WE AREN’T GIVING UP. This is a practice of looking-forward-to.

In the podcast episode, Mike Foster shares his current markers of hope (no spoilers here - just listen!) and prompts us to do the same.

I immediately thought of the photo I took the other day, in the midst of another rainy, dreary afternoon, of the items on my kitchen windowsill:

  • A rainbow rock I painted with my girls.

  • A tiny colorful clay mushroom from my favorite pottery shop, Mud Dabbers, in Balsam, NC

  • The “Another Beautiful Day” clay plaque I simple had to have, years ago, at the Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center near Dallas, where I used to go hiking with a toddler holding my hand and a baby on my back. Dang, I miss that place.

  • A rock painted by my 9-year-old of a “grassy meadow with a bridge over it.”

  • The Live With Joy mug I got for my birthday a few months ago that I broke in the dishwasher and turned into a succulent planter.

  • Not pictured but added today: two cuttings I’m propagating from the flourishing ivy plants in my bedroom, and with them, the hope of going to an actual craft store again to buy white cording so I can tie my own macramé hangers.

And the other day, I wrote about a Flower of Hope that’s still thriving on my dining room table. I think it might be the everlasting Flower of Hope at this point…

All of these speak of the goodness that was, is, and will come again. Little mementos that bring a smile and remind me that we will gather again with people we love, we will take road trips and hikes. We will have picnics with our parents and see rainbows from mountaintops.

Here are a few more things to look forward to:

  • A future Sunday Funday trip to Greeter Falls for waterfall-splashing and cliff-jumping.

  • And perhaps a trip to Bell Buckle, TN to browse the antique stores.

  • Our beloved Kindred Dinners - postponed due to COVID-19 but which will be rescheduled as soon as we can safely gather in groups again. The thought of laughter and community and music and feasting on delicious food we harvested from our fields nearby…so much to look forward to!

  • Getting to harvest armloads of zinnias again in a few short months.

  • Buying a much-needed new bathing suit and some dresses or jumpers for our events coming up this year.

  • The freedom to go to Jeni’s again in Nashville for a huge waffle cone with Salted Caramel Ice Cream.

  • Walks around the Columbia, TN downtown square with an iced latté from Muletown Coffee and time to sit on a park bench in the sun.

Ahh, just thinking of them makes me feel calmer and more ready to face the rest of the week.

What are some “markers of hope” in your life these days? I’d love to know. 💛


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